What The GIF?! A Guide to Playing the New Online Party Game from the Writers of Cards Against Humanity

What The GIF?! is a new online party game that is sure to get your group laughing. Created by a writer for Cards Against Humanity, this game challenges players to match the best captions in their hand with a rotating GIF. Plus, players can also write their own captions for even more laughs.
To play, each player is dealt a hand of captions. A GIF will appear on the screen and players must choose the caption from their hand that they think best matches the GIF. The player who submits the funniest caption wins the round. The game features hundreds of GIFs and more are added weekly, along with new captions.
There are a few strategies that can help players succeed at What The GIF?! First, it’s important to consider the other players’ responses. If someone else has already submitted a similar caption, try to come up with something original to stand out.
In addition to being creative, players should also take advantage of the ability to write their own captions. This is a great way to personalize the game and potentially come up with the funniest caption of the round. If you win with your custom caption, you get an extra point. Just be sure to keep it appropriate for all players.
Overall, What The GIF?! is a fun and exciting game that is sure to liven up any party. The rotating GIFs and weekly updates keep the game fresh and entertaining. So why not gather your friends and give it a try at whatthegifgame.com? You’re sure to have a blast.